Since the social media game has become so strong today that more and more people are editing their pictures using tools such as Photoshop or Snapseed, it is sometimes easy to detect an edited image. However, there are times when we cannot tell for real if the image is edited or not. If you are also looking for ways to know if an image is edited or Photoshopped, then you have come to the right place. Because this guide will help with some tricks or tips that will help you detect edited or Photoshopped images, having said that, let us jump into the article.

1. Using Online Tools

The good thing about the internet is that most common tools such as file conversion tools, image downloading tools, and even image analyzer tools are available online. This means that you do not need to download dedicated software to check if the image is edited or photoshopped or not. Here is the list of online tools that you can make use of to detect an edited image:


Another popular online tool for identifying whether an image is edited or photoshopped is FotoForensics. It gives you all the information that you would need to deduce if the image is edited or not. FotoForensices offers 4 types of data, i.e., JPEG, Original, ELA, and MetaData which helps the user understand if the image has been altered. Using FotoForensics is easy. After opening the website, you will see two options. The first one allows you to directly enter the URL of the image and upload it to the website and check alternation. In comparison, the second option allows you to upload an image straight from your PC or laptop. The process of analyzing is a bit slow but worth it if you are really into knowing if someone edited the image or not. Visit: FotoForensics

Image Edited

This is by far one of the best online tools that will help you check if the image is edited or not. It lets you identify whether or not the picture was altered using certain software. The best thing about this website is it gives you clear-cut answers and no beating around the bush to tell you if the image is edited or photoshopped. The process of detection is pretty simple. All you need to do is upload an image, and the online tool will start analyzing it. Finally, if it detects that the image is edited or Photoshopped, then it will straight up say “Yes”. Not only this, but it will also include a detailed explanation and information about the shot as well. Image Edited tool will also show you the name of the tool used for editing. Visit: Image Edited

2. Use Your Eye

Well, there are several images which although, are edited, but can be caught red-handed with the naked eye. All you need to do is look for signs in the image. Here are a few quick tips that you can use to detect if an image is altered or not, simply with your naked eyes.

Look For Signs of Warping

As already mentioned in the first paragraph, nothing is perfect. But to attain the “so-called” level of perfection, we often tend to warp images to move, shrink or enlarge certain parts of the body or elements in the image. So, you need to look for signs of warping. Go thoroughly through the image and look for straight lines. Then look around the objects if they are also behaving true to the laws of physics or not. For instance, if someone has posted an image of their small waist, a certain section around the waist will be un-naturally warped, confirming alternation.

Look For Re-Occurring Objects

This trick is the best one if you are trying to analyze an image with more number elements, such as football filled with crowd, a concert full of people, a garden of same kinds of flowers, you got the idea, right? All these situations make use of the technique called “Cloning.” It duplicates the same elements in the image to make the image look fuller. But, it becomes a bit easy to detect alteration in such images if you look closely. You can particularly look for the areas which look more crowded and eye for recognizable patterns.

Look For Shadows

If someone is new or a beginner in the field of Photoshopping or editing, one of the most common mistakes that you would come across is irregular or no shadows. Every object should cast a shadow, and if they are not, then the image should definitely be of a ghost. Besides, if an image has shadows, you should look for irregularities in the shadow. It means an object like a rock or a box would cast a pretty defined shadow.

Other Signs To Look Out For

Apart from the mentioned aspects of an image, you can also watch out for pixelation, sharpness, unnatural color flair, or distortion in an image. An edited image may have distortion due to imperfect coloring and the application of multiple effects. Further, you can look for fine edges around the elements of the image. If the image is edited, then you may very well spot some irregular edges around the elements.

Well, if you do not have an ample amount of time at your disposal to look for details in every image, you can always resort to Google for help. A neat reverse image search would not only help you get information if the image is original or not, but it will also (in most cases) give you the original image link as well. A reverse image search also gives you links to some of the fact-checking websites that will give you answers related to a questionable image. It is always better to go for reverse image searching first before everything else because it can be the fastest way to understand if an image is edited or not. So, it is always advised to do a bit of research before believing in anything, especially online images. If you’ve any thoughts on Real or Fake? Find if the Image is Edited or Photoshopped, then feel free to drop in below comment box. Also, please subscribe to our DigitBin YouTube channel for videos tutorials. Cheers!

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